Our Story
They say don't go into business with your friends, and we respectfully disagree.
Our Story
They say don't go into business with your friends, and we respectfully disagree.
After graduation, we spent years performing and building our individual private voice studios. We booked acting jobs, and worked with great students, but there came a time when we lost our creative spark. We longed for community. We stopped singing for ourselves. We felt uninspired. We wanted more.
It was for these reasons, that we formed the NYC Vocal Studio. Creating your dream business takes a lot of time and hard work. Who better to build it with than one of your best friends?
First, we celebrated this new partnership with a burger and a beer at Lillie’s Victorian Establishment on 49th Street. Then, we got to work.
We found mentors who inspire us to think outside the box. We took strides to bring more creativity and play into our lives. We started a book club and read a lot of Brené Brown. We belted. We riffed with varying degrees of success. We took dozens of classes together across a variety of disciplines. We made learning a lifestyle. We fell even more in love with teaching.
With the spark ignited, our studio began to grow. We welcomed aboard a community of like minded teachers and coaches, and through this process our purpose became clear. We wanted to create a space where people felt safe to express and play. A place where both complete beginners and Broadway professionals could connect to their innate musicality, and discover new possibilities. A place to practice the radical act of loving the way you sing.
- Lexi (Broadway Actor)